CCPPR Laboratory
Testes we carry out on raw materials and finished products / Analysis methods
Raw materials and finished products can be tested for conformity to a range of standards.
Raw materials
- chemical analysis / X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) (calibration - by certified reference materials, by internal standards);
- loss on ignition (1000 OC);
- particle size distribution
- screen residue (wet; dry)
- screen analysis(wet; dry);
- moisture content;
- solids content;
- ph-value (10% solid content);
- plasticity (Pfefferkorn);
- dry modulus of rupture (drying temperature of 100 OC);
- casting behaviuor (Lehmann viscometer)
- optimized deflocculant addition
- outflow time (volume 100 ml)
- casting rate (30 min);
- contraction (drying, firing, total);
- refractoriness;
- compactness characteristics (fired samples):
- water absorption
- apparent porosity
- apparent density; true density.
Finished product
- chemical analysis / X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) (calibration - by certified reference materials, by internal standards);
- water absorption;
- porosity;
- dimensions / dimensional tolerances;
- thermal shock resistance;
- modulus of rupture and compressive strength.